The Princeton library system defines "stalking" as "a hunt for game carried on by following it stealthily or waiting in ambush." So maybe I'm not, technically speaking, a stalker. I'm about as stealthy as a baby calf in a china shop. And not lying in wait to ambush anything. But I gotta say, I do love me some Ruby Gettinger. If you haven't seen Ruby on The Style Network, you don't know what you've been missing. For the last three seasons, this Savannah, Georgia, belle has been chronicling her journey of losing almost 400 pounds. Here are the top 10 reasons I heart Ruby:
1. She once weighed a little over 700 pounds and is now down to 324...a 10 year journey. OMG! PS...if anyone ever complains to me about losing the "last 10 pounds" again, I can't promise I won't slap them. Or gift them all three seasons on DVD.
2. Ruby takes her baby, a Yorkshire Terrier named Foxy, everywhere with her. Everywhere. Think about the person you love most in your life and how excited you get introducing people to that person...that is the level of excitement Ruby has when she introduces people to Foxy. A woman after my own Willoughby-lovin'-heart! Dog moms unite!
3. The first thing Ruby wants to do when she reaches her goal take a bubble bath. (Notice the link to her page in my sidebar.)
4. Ruby went on vacation and LOST weight! WTH?!? I go on vacation and have to pay for two seats on the return trip. PS...not just a little...she lost 13 pounds in Australia.
5. In Australia, Ruby climbed the Sydney Harbour Bridge. At over 300 pounds, in 3 1/2 hours...she climbed the largest steel-arch bridge in the world. With her hot Aussie trainer throwing up in the background. It was priceless. And made me want to book my Sydney Harbour bridge climb immediately! Except I wanna do the night climb they offer. With my hot Australian husband, Curtis Stone.
6. When Ruby hosted Thanksgiving last year, and her lovable but gluttonous friends decided to make a smorgasbord of sin (fried turkey included), she: A)made her own healthy Thanksgiving fixin's and B)placed post-it note warning labels in each and every dish. To see the table riddled with little paper "fat" and "healthy" flags filled me with glee...and ideas for my next Thanksgiving.
7. Ruby made it through the Last Supper. Not with Jesus...but the ladies from her Ladies Fat Night. You know the Last Supper...the last meal you're ever going to enjoy before you start the first day of the rest of your life? We've all had it. Sometimes many. Many times. Well, when Ruby was preparing to take her friends from Ladies Fat Night to an intensive six day weight loss excursion, the ladies went Last Supper crazy. Nothing but fried food as far as the eye could see. And she didn't touch any of it.
8. Ruby's goal was to get below 300 pounds before the season finale. And just when she was on the verge of hitting that mark, she gained 9 pounds. But she didn't let it derail her. She had a sense of humor about it, along with an impressive amount of determination. I struggle with the same seems like I take one step forward and two steps back. I, for one, am looking so forward to next season...and to seeing her reach that milestone (and reaching my own).
9. She is from the South!
10. Besides the Golden Girls, I can't imagine any living room that would be more fun to be in than hers!
So, if by "stalking," you mean waiting in ambush or recreating Jennifer Jason Leigh's role in Single White Female, then no, I'm not. I'm not going to be dying my hair red, trying to pass off my Shih-Tzu as a Yorkie, or spouting off "Rubyisms" anytime soon. But if you define stalking as squealing like a 4th grade girl and squeezing the stuffin' out of somebody if ever you meet, then I make no promises.