Eat when you are hungry. And be astonished by the abundance that surrounds you. That was the first assignment Geneen Roth gave us...in Week #1 of our six week Women Food and God online retreat. Just eat when you're hungry and recognize the things in your life you have to express gratitude for.
I don't know about you, food addicted America...but I have NO idea what feeling hungry feels like. I have two speeds: stuffed or starving. In the movie theatre this week, waiting for Sex and the City 2 to start, my friend Nancy suddenly declared that she was hungry. It wasn't like she came into the theatre hungry. No...it was more like her stomach growled in between previews and she said, genuinely surprised, "Oh, I just got hungry." Like the guy sitting behind her leaned forward and flipped a switch on the back of her neck. A hongry switch. So, out went Nancy to buy one outrageously expensive movie theatre hot dog.
So, I'm trying to figure out what hungry (not starving) feels like. Hmmm...it's a conundrum. An enigma. The secret word of the day. Everytime I say the word "hungry," I expect the characters from Pee Wee's Playhouse to jump out and scream.
But as nature abhors a vacuum, I needed something to fill the void once occupied by peanut M&M's. This week, it was retail therapy. It started with a new workout DVD and some weighted gloves. Then a lime green food scale. It measures in grams AND ounces. Then tonight, after a level 8 anxiety attack, I went roaming the aisles of Target like a sorority girl in the streets of New Orleans after a night at Mardi Gras. I bought milk, a chew toy (for Willoughby, not me), six packages of polka dotted tissue paper that I'll never use because I want to save it, four bars of Dove soap (the pink variety) b/c it reminds me of my mom, who I miss, and two candles...just to put the aroma in aromatherapy. Oh, and I almost came home and ordered a red velvet Jesus. If you think I'm kidding, look:

I don't know why. I don't own, or have ever pined for, a statue of Jesus. Especially in red velvet. But I saw it at a place called Wacko's in Hollywood and have been obsessed with it ever since. Hey, if crack addicts can have Methadone, why can't chocolate addicts have a red velvet Jesus bank?
Don't fret, though. Before you go thinking I'm jumping from the frying pan into the fire, let me tell you...I have zero credit card debt. I pay off my bills early and entirely every month. And I think that taking things back to the store is usually just as exciting as buying them in the first place. So no long term chemical dependence here. I just needed a little somethin' somethin.'
PS...Geneen Roth was out-of-this-world good. It was 90 minutes of freakin' amazing. How do you know I try to fill my life with sweetness by filling my belly with chocolate, Geneen? How?!? But I do. Or that I turn to food to try to connect with something sacred and special, something that transcends the everyday monotony of human life? But I do. PSS...her voice was like buttah. And she didn't say "um" once, which, according to my college speech classes, means the sign of an excellent speaker. I was impressed. It was worth every penny. If you are interested in the online retreat, there are still five live sessions left...and you can access the one you missed last week, as well. Her website is www.GeneenRoth.com.
And now to the gratitude...part 2 of my assignment. I'm grateful for you, my beloved readers and friends. Seriously, over-the-moon grateful for you. I'm grateful there is such a thing as a red velvet Jesus bank. I'm grateful for a dog that will let me dress him up like a Jewish grandmother to play Fiddler on the Roof ball. In his little babushka. My new favorite hobby. "Matchmaker, matchmaker, make me a match...". Sing it, Bubbe!

I'm grateful for the robin's nest outside my window with the cutest little baby birds in it! (Oh yeah, I also bought little soaps in the shape of robin's eggs today...to commemorate.) I'm grateful for my friend, Melinda, who tripped and slid into a puddle of water while rollerblading today like she was sliding into second base (I wasn't there, but this is how she explained it). At such an angle as to get water UP her nose. How you get water up your nose in an inch of water is beyond me. But I'm still laughing. That story filled me with g-l-e-e. Actual physical glee. (Don't worry, she's not hurt. I wouldn't still be laughing if she was hurt.)
Anyway, tonight is Session #2..."Beyond What's Broken: Learning how to find your way back to what's already whole: the bright center of your very own life." Hmmm...is that anything like getting to the bright center of a Tootsie Pop, I wonder? Or as delightful?
I'll let you know.