I think I'm channeling Alice Cooper this week. I've been fighting the urge to run around yelling at the top of my lungs, "Schoooooooool's out for the summer!!!" Right in people's unsuspecting faces. But I can't help it. School IS out for the summer. And, just so you know, teachers love themselves some summer vacay as much as students do.
I'm convinced this is why teachers are teachers. Sure, they love children. Blah blah blah. But 12 weeks of paid vacation? Come on! Definitely a perk. And maybe the closest I'm going to come to being a kept woman in this lifetime.
So school was out on Thursday. After two of the longest weeks of my life...spent staying up into the wee hours writing hand-written cards to each and every one of my students. It seemed like a good idea at first...but after heartfelt emotional sentiment #37, around 2:00 one morning, I found my fine-point purple Sharpie struggling to write something besides "Glad you're not in my class next year, but hope you'll come back and visit!"
And, after two weeks of loose ends, turning in grades and tearful goodbyes, I came home and slept for 48 hours. Straight.
But did I mention 12 weeks of summer vacation?

Reader Comments (2)
Its a vacation for the Maintenace Department too... No teachers!! Its so peaceful today.
Now that you're out we HAVE to get together and catch up! Are you still living in that foreign land called Pasadena?