A. Six hair appointments (complete with cut, color and big-hair-blow-out) translates to 10 1/2 months, which feels like a reasonable amount of time to unpack the emotional baggage that comes with 27 years of thinking, acting and living fat.

B. It's exciting to think I'll be the new me in the time it takes to see one person (my hairdresser, John) just six times.      

C. Who doesn't feel more motivated when donning a new do?!?

Not exactly. Anyone who has every struggled with weight knows too well that it's NEVER a simple matter of what we put in our mouths or how many hours we log at the gym. The battle is complicated and deeply personal for anyone who wages it, and I would never pretend to be an authority on anyone else's life. No...this is a ticket to my last wrestling match with fat.  It's going to be good.

A. Clean eating - No processed foods, refined sugar, sodas or white flour 

B. Working out every day until I pass out, throw up or rupture something (or for one hour...whichever comes first) 

C. Drinking vats o' water

D. Changing the entire way I view myself and have viewed myself for 35 years

E-mail me anytime!  My e-mail is Jonezie127@gmail.com