I'm sure my quote/unquote friends will try to deny it, but I'm gonna give it to you straight. The water park. Sheer terror. Please see the photo evidence below. Look at those innocent faces. You would never suspect they would force me against my will to risk life and limb.
But LOOK at that water slide, people! It was at least eight stories high. At least. And it was the first thing Kara and Nancy wanted to go on. Ok, the second thing. First we went into the wave pool. And I'm thinking, "This water park thing isn't going to be so bad." They were obviously lulling me into a false sense of security. Because as soon as my pruny toes stepped out of that wave pool, the bullying and peer pressure began. Peer pressure is more powerful than I thought. Because before I knew what was happening, I was climbing the eight stories to a ride called High Extreme. You know how I said I wouldn't go on anything that had the word "high" in its name? Yeah right. And the word "extreme" should have given me a clue.
Mind you, I asked almost everyone in line at the bottom of the stairs if they'd been on the slide, including the barely-7-year-old in front of me. Most of them had...and they looked relatively unscathed. One girl, someone I would have wanted to sit next to in the event of an aircraft emergency, actually described it as a "slow" slide with "no drops." She was a vicious liar.
But before we get to the terror that would change my life, character and childbearing potential, let's talk about the climb to the top. Eight stories. At least. On wet, see-thru concrete steps that swayed more and more the closer we got to the top. I started to hyperventilate on Step #187. I tried to run back down. But Kara and Nancy blocked my path.
So we FINALLY make it to the top. You have to wait on the stairs for a while, teetering on the edge, until it's your turn on one of two slides. As I'm standing there, I realize the only thing that prevents you from flying right over the side is a few sheets of fiberglass and centrifugal force. In one last attempt to calm my fears, I asked the lifeguard...a kid with a sweet face named Christian...if the slide was fast. He scoffed and assured me it was not. LIAR!
Have you ever seen Christmas Vacation? With Chevy Chase? When he sleds down the hill so fast he leaves sparks? Then you have a visual. I have no idea how Kara is faring on the slide next to me. But I'm rocketing headfirst into dizzying oblivion. PS...There were three...THREE...major drops. The kind that reacquaint your stomach with your throat. It was T-E-R-R-O-R. When we got to the bottom, I was shaking so hard I didn't even see Kara face plant off her slide. Or notice that my newly polished tootsies now had not a smidge of polish on.