Saturday, June 19, 2010 at 02:48AM
Elizabeth Jones in Body Image, Fat Dating, Meet-Cute, Po-Po, Weight Loss

Interesting night. First, I almost got arrested by the Po-Po. The Target Po-Po. In the underground parking garage. I sometimes take Willoughby there to "practice" his heel-sit-stay-stand-come...after I shop. It's clean and quiet - nobody ever comes down there - and there's lots of room to practice. Well, they must be watching in a secret booth somewhere. Because we weren't down there two minutes before the Po-Po (ok he was just a security guard) came down on his Segway to politely interrogate me. I think he thought I was walking the parking garage. I wanted to say "Listen Segway Man, I am a Southern girl with a master's degree and a dog who requires ridiculous amounts of grooming. Do I look like the kind of girl who would know someone, be it human or canine, who would relieve himself in a parking garage?" 

Then, there was kismet at the grocery store. I pulled into the checkout lane in my workout clothes and plopped down my purchase: two slices of watermelon as big as my head. And who pulled in behind me? A cute guy wearing red plaid pajama bottoms carrying nothing but a container of California rolls. For a moment, I expected the heavens to open. Had God put the man in the red plaid pajama bottoms in my path for a reason? Were we meant to share sushi and melon for all eternity? Apparently not, because the hottie in the PJ's didn't ask for my number. But it was definitely interesting. PS...If you're ever looking for something to do at 10:00 on a Friday night, go to the grocery store. It's a singles schmorgasbord.  

One of these days, when I'm least expecting it, I'm going to have my meet-cute. According to Urban Dictionary, the meet-cute is a "scenario in which two individuals are brought together in some unlikely, zany, destined-to-fall-in-love-and-be-together-forever sort of way (the more unusual, the better)." Amen, Urban Dictionary. Amen. The more unusual, the better. 

I'm thinking of all the boys I've loved before (who've traveled in and out my door). I met my first love standing in front of the kitchen sink of his grandparent's house, obsessively measuring the water I had to drink for the day. Hmmm...I'm trying to think of how I met the others. I met three of them at...(yawning) Another one I served a Sunrise Scrambler to when I waited tables at an all night diner. The ex-fiance was a result of AOL Instant Messenger (remember when that was big?!?) after knowing him and his cherry red Mustang in high school. Then, I (gulp) dated a friend of his who confessed his love for me several months after the fiance and I said ixnay to the arriagemay. And then I ran one guy off the road with my car. Definitely a meet-cute. But the end? Not so cute. 

What about you? Any meet-cutes out there?  


Article originally appeared on 60 POUNDS 6 HAIRCUTS (
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