
Sorry to go from stalking last post to snarling this one, but I gotta get this off my chest. If there are 10 things I love about Ruby Gettinger, there's one thing I don't. Her newly found "motivational"-speaker-slash-wannabe-weight-loss-expert, Tennie. It's gotten to the point where I can't even say her name without the corner of my lip automatically turning up a little.  I hope my mom was misinformed and my face won't really freeze that way.

Tennie McCarty showed up in Ruby's living room (and America's, via the magic of cable television) this season to change the face of Ladies Fat Night. Episode after episode, in an accent straight out of a John Grisham movie, Tennie was a flurry of predictable behavior. First, it was having the ladies face their obesity head on in a full length mirror, followed by an hour of conversation peppered with 427 uses of the words "enabler" and "co-dependent." Next was a form of interpretive dance involving a pile of scarves and another tearful confrontation with the mirror. Ok...I smell what you're steppin' in, Tennie. It stinks, but I smell it.  

But last week, on the season finale of Ruby, Tennie unloaded about 2,000 pounds of smelly when she opened a can of whoop ass on one unsuspecting woman. Did anyone else see this?!? Here is the clip: 

I'm dying to hear what you think about this. Anyone? Bueller?  

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