
Hellllllooooooo, everyone!!!

I'm back from Spring Break in Texas...and recovering from my 10 day food coma. Starting to feel the circulation in my extremeties again.  I felt like I gained 10 pounds...but, alas, only two.  I have SO much to tell you break up with a friend over the Olive Garden, an ode to milk, how I almost mowed down the Chick-fil-A mascot, some completely useless trivia about your pie hole, and the person I'd most want to stalk if given a plane ticket and camo gear. It's coming in the next 72 hours, so please stay tuned.  In the meantime, I'd like to offer Exhibit A of how I behaved the last few days:


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Reader Comments (2)

Hilarious!!! What I wouldn't give to see you slug your way through a carwash to chase down a Dairy Queen Blizzard.

April 7, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterNancy

Nancy...who do you think's gonna take the photo? Bring your waterproof camera...because you're coming with!

April 8, 2010 | Registered CommenterElizabeth Jones

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