
Season 8 of the Biggest Loser is all I hoped and more. Of course, Jillian is her usual melodramatic self. And this season, there is a contestant named Tracey...a Southern belle from North Carolina who may prove to be the next reality show villain with her Survivor-like approach and backstabbing ways. A pretty mother of two married to an ex-Marine, Tracey is someone I want to like and definitely find interesting to watch. But she has the crazy eye. Crazy, I tell you. Muy loco. Like Jennifer Wilbanks, the runaway bride made famous for running away from her fiance in 2005. I have to say, I think her ex-fiance, now married to another woman, really dodged a bullet on that one. In any event, I'm just waiting for the episode where Tracey is pushed to her limit and goes postal on the Biggest Loser ranch. I imagine her kicking in the doors while her teammates exercise oblivious, Twinkie-filled Uzi in hand, and spraying down the whole place with snack cakes. I can hardly wait. 


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