
It was Donut Day at school today. Guess who hosts Donut Day? Student Council...led by a big-hair-lovin'-Texas-turned-Los-Angeles-girl who is trying not to think about donuts. 12 dozen donuts were screaming out at me from their bright pink boxes. Anything that comes in a bright pink box has got to be good. And by 10:05, I was convinced that I loved cake donuts with white frosting and little colored sprinkles more than Jesus. By 10:08, after a stampede of 120 middle school wildabeasts, there were only a couple of boxes left. Unfortunately, one of the boxes included two cake donuts with their @#$%&* frosting and their *&%$#@ sprinkles. I carried the box lovingly across the parking lot, opening the lid a couple of times to make sure they were still sleeping peacefully. I'm convinced one of them smiled at me. I dropped them off in the teacher's lounge and ran away crying. I should have left a note.  It would have read "I've always loved you and I always will. Not a day will go by that you're not in my thoughts. Look me up in 18 years, ok?" 

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Reader Comments (4)

You did the right thing, Elizabeast. :-) Keep rockin'!

October 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPinky

You are stronger than I am. Yesterday there were birthday cupcakes at lunch...one jumped on my plate. The wonderful sub next to me at the table who was complaining about gaining weight looked at me and said "you know you are going to get fat." I was floored. But smiled and said, "Yep and I will enjoy every bite of it. so then I had to eat it to show her!

October 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterValerie

I know exactly what you mean the other Saturday a Donut showed at my house about 3:00 in the morning and demanded to be eaten but I retorted back and said "Begone You Devil Donut" after showering me with "Sprinkles" of many colors I might add for about 5 min and the occasional crushed walnut thrown at me for good measure the "Donut" realized my mind was not as maleable as it thought(yes donuts have thought, it shocked me too!) After about a half hour I finally managed to push it, roll that sugery secubus right out into the street and finally it the "Donut" scampered...well more like sauntered off into the night as if it weren't even there....Scary I know! Well if you don't believe me ask Senor Snuggles he was witness to the sugary mayhem that was the "Devil Donut"!

October 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMr. Peligro

It strikes me as a bit whacky that you are the host of donut day. Why not simply change it to fruit day, and be done with the guilt and temptation, and in addition, provide something healthy for your students as well?

October 15, 2009 | Unregistered Commentermspina

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