

It's the beginning of Fall. My favorite time of year. The air outside is beginning to get cool and crisp. I've just opened every window in the house and lit some candles. The window next to my "writing chair" is a Laverne and Shirley know, where you can see everyone's feet walking by. Only I live in a gated community tucked in the foothills of the San Gabriel mountains...there aren't a lot of feet walking by, unfortunately. Not many opportunities to people watch here (my favorite past time). But the Santa Anita mall is just a few minutes away. I like to go there, peruse the bookstore while sipping my green tea. And judge all the people walking by. Oh come on! Like everyone doesn't do that!

Which reminds me...Nancy, the prankster and partner-in-crime-o-mine at work, sent me this poem she found in an old dictionary, of all places.

"As a beauty I am not a star,

There are others more handsome by far;

But my face -- I don't mind it,

For I am behind it;

It's the people in front that I jar."

Speaking of jarring, the Tootsie Roll hair is starting to fade into a color that looks like it might actually grow out of my head. I'm actually beginning to like it. And can now resume normal activities, going out during daylight hours, and having my photo taken.

I ordered a new workout video. Actually not so was first made in 1992. It was a video I worked out to religiously in college called Step Reebok: The Video with Gin Miller. The website I ordered from described it as having "MTV-style photography and great music plus a futuristic industrial set." I think a better description would be "a live bongo-playing band wondering what in the world they signed up for and nine perfect bodies working out in the dark, except for the light box they call a floor and the occasional strobing searchlight." Oh...and you can't forget Gin Miller's face on several strategically placed television sets as she intensely cues the next move. PS...Max Headroom called...he wants his TV set back.  If you want to see it with your very own eyes, here is the link:

I can't help but love this video. Working out in the dark?!? With strobe lights?!? I want to live my life on a set like this! I'm looking into having the lightbox floor installed in my house tomorrow. Plus Gin has the best 90's hair. It's almost 80's hair...but classier and in much better condition. I can't help but wax sentimental when I watch it. It's like I'm back in my bedroom in Lubbock, Texas, huffing and puffing and doing A-Steps in a little workout area I've carved out between my daybed and dresser. Good times.  

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Reader Comments (4)

I totally call you on the "best 90's hair" comment. Not best. Not 90's. Of course, I only saw the clip, so...

October 5, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKaraMae

OMG, I owned this video and loved it! I used to work out to it at home in Lubbock. It came with the Step Reebok platform that Jason got me around 2001/2002, so I had no idea it was made in 1992. Come to think of it, the platform is at my sister's house now, but where is the video?

October 6, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterssl as in "best example of," tenured librarian. I'm only referring to you as a)the boss of everyone or b)tenured librarian from now on.

Susi!!! That is hilarious! Let's work out together when I visit...I'll bring the bongo band and my step!

October 6, 2009 | Registered CommenterElizabeth Jones

You two do that, and Aunt Kara will keep the kiddos entertained upstairs or something. I like step okay, but that video DOES NOT LOOK FUN. There, I said it!

October 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKaraMae

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