"If she doesn't stop being so bossy, she's never going to find a husband." My uncle informs my mother one night in the car when I run in to pick up our honey baked ham. This, the same uncle who has been barking orders at all of us...in German...for the last few decades. Including his partner of 33 years.
I'm not usually one to speak in stereotypes, but I gotta ask...why is a man who knows what he wants and speaks up about it considered assertive and confident? While a woman who knows what she wants and speaks up about is called bossy? I'm campaigning to have that word eliminated from the English language. Along with the word nag, spinster, and a few words for the female anatomy.
Obviously, my uncle has never watched Wife Swap. Have you seen some of the crazies on that show? PS...all married. Or Dog the Bounty Hunter? Beth Chapman is my idol. Maybe you can be as bossy as you want to be as long as you're wearing hot pants and stilettos. Note to self.
PSS...Is it really the end of the world if I never "settle down?" I mean, some of my married friends look at me like I'm carrying around a bottomless hot fudge sundae. And when I talk about things like naps or sole possession of the remote control, their eyes glaze over a little.
So, I'm dying to know...if you could eliminate one word from the English language, what would it be?

Reader Comments (3)
single.....(but only when asked in a feeling sorry voice). whats so bad about being single?
C-H-I-L-D-L-E-S-S. I do have an amazing partner, but I am unmarried and childless; yes, people, by choice. I've had enough of the judgment that comes without having children in this day and age. Seriously. Beyond the fact that this poor little planet of ours simply won't support the load of us much longer, most of the people I've seen should not have been allowed to breed, let alone expected to. I suppose I've seen too many miserable marriages, abused children, unwanted children, neglected children, and completely inattentive parents that I don't carry around a fairy tale in my heart regarding what it means to be hitched and pregnant. Most parents I know don't even LIKE their children and say they would take it back if they could. But it doesn't stop them from judging me regarding my selfishness for not having any of my own.
Oh, and I'd eliminate the word "woof!" when used to describe women. I'm sick and tired of women being described first and foremost by their appearance. It's disgusting. And "pure". A woman's virginity is a matter of global obsession, whether religiously based or not, while men can do as they please. Newsflash: if you go around defiling every young thing on the planet, there won't be any virgins left! We have to be beautiful and pure, smart but not outspoken, confident but humble, sexual for our husbands but inexperienced, great housekeepers and child-rearers but sexy and put-together... Basically and infinite list of polar opposites.
Wow, Sara...well said! YOU. should be a writer!
It's good to see you here!