Dear Baby Jesus,
I hope you know how much I love you. And are not offended that I spent the day of your birth:
Watching YouTube videos of things like the grape stomping lady, whistling puppy and the Family Guy ipecac episode with my uncle.
Refereeing a day long grudge match between my 18 pound Shih-Tzu and his 104 pound Labrador opponent.
Opening presents, presents and more presents.
Loading several of the same presents in trunk of car to exchange as quickly as possible.
And napping/slipping into a semi-coma after eating copious amounts of tryptophan-laced turkey.
PS...Earlier this month, I shared my retro Christmas spirit with Charles Phoenix at the National Hot Rod Museum. And was filled with glee upon seeing this photo of the Nativity made entirely out of meat and hashbrowns and/or sauerkraut.
I'm very sorry I giggled at an image of the Baby Jesus as a Vienna sausage. I won't do it again. I totally love you.

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