
I have created FIRE! At least it feels like fire. If I weren't so exhausted from creating fire, I'd be pounding my chest in victory right now. OK...it's not fire. It's a rollover button. But 14 hours ago, I had no idea what a rollover button was. It all started this morning when I asked my creative director, Nancy (AKA my coworker and fellow office prankster), to take a look at my blog and see what she thought of the links I spent 12 hours working on yesterday. Nancy, being a graduate of the prestigious Art Center College of Design, knows EVERYTHING about graphic design. She is also full of random information, like the fact that squirrels have occasionally been found with their tails tied together, a dilemma that requires veterinary attention. I am pretty sure she makes things up but I confirmed the squirrel tale (no pun intended). 

But squirrels or no squirrels, Nancy knows graphic design. And she made the suggestion that I design my links to look more like buttons. And not just buttons, but rollover buttons, so when readers rolled over them with their mice (This may be the most rodent-filled post to date), they changed colors. She started to type furiously and then...bing, bang, boom, she'd pulled up a list of online rollover button generators. I smiled and thought "there's no way in you-know-where I'm going to do this, crazy woman.

But I couldn't stand it...knowing there were buttons to be had in this world. So, 14 hours, a nap and some low fat szechuan later, I have created the elusive rollover button. If you want to see it, it's on the right hand side of this page, under the arrow, and links to Cathe Nation. Notice the other "buttons" are just wannabes for the moment. Sure, they link to the correct sites, but they don't change colors yet. Give me another 56 hours, though...

PS...Anyone who tells you you can create a website in just a few easy steps or short minutes is LYING. To your face. I thought losing the weight and writing about it would be the hard part. But no. I was using an abacus before starting this blog. OK, I'm lying. I was using a sweet, mint condition Mac Book Pro. But my knowledge of all things blog design was truly prehistoric. And now I feel like Chaka in Land of the Lost, forever trying to escape from those damn sleestaks who use terms like "RSS, widget, ping, blog roll," and "rollover buttons."

Of course, there's definitely something empowering about creating fire. And blog buttons. And more good news...instead of the late night pigging out I was so tempted to do, I opted instead for a long, hot shower with a new bar of Dove. The original white version. So, after brushing my teeth, I'm soft, minty AND empowered.

On the next episode...I went knife shopping. I'll have to tell you all about it. Stay tuned! 

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