
There's good news. And bad news. Which one do you want first? I'll start with the bad news. For two weeks, the scale has not budged. I mean, to the ounce...every.single.day...the same friggin' number. First thing in the morning, my empty stomach, empty bladder and I walk sleepily to the kitchen (the only non-carpeted spot in my apartment) pull the scale out from underneath the sofa and brace ourselves, half in hope, half in fear. And look down with bed head and squinted eyes to see the exact same digits. Thinking perhaps my scale was malfunctioning, or just punking me, I tested it on Willoughby. Depending on the amount of Shih Tzu I could manage to keep on the scale long enough to register, it was somewhere between 10.7 and 17.2. Obviously in working condition.    

Do you want to know why the scale hasn't budged? Because your poster girl for weight loss can't seem to make it through a week without succumbing to temptation. In the form of chocolate. As most of you know, I have sworn off refined sugar (yes, chocolate, that means you). For the rest of my life. But four days into the rest of my life, you might as well tell me I'm never going to see my mom again. I start fantasizing about things I wouldn't normally fantasize about. Like Alpha Bits. And Diet Dr. Pepper...which by the way, I've only had, like once in my life. Usually, I can be exorcised with the chocoholic's version of Methadone...Jello's sugar-free chocolate mousse. But this week, it was chocolate covered pretzels. The real thing.

Now, let me tell you...I have not thought about chocolate covered pretzels since I was beltin' it out to Milli Vanilli. But Thursday night, at 1:00 am...3 hours after I'd turned out the lights to go to sleep...they were ALL I could think about (the pretzels, not the pop/dance music sensation).  I finally made it to Dreamland. But woke up five hours later wanting them even more. So, at 7:00 in the morning, I got in my car, drove down to the nearest grocery store, echolocated a bag of chocolate covered pretzels, and ate the entire bag for breakfast.

I was so disgusted with myself that I decided to ride my bike to work. Most of you don't know me in person. But trust me when I say it was a sight to see. And the ONLY time I've done it in 36 years of tricycles, Pink Princess bikes, and 10-speeds.  Going TO work was fun. Because it's ALL downhill. Going back home...uh..NOT so fun! Around Orange Grove and Rosemead, I almost lost part of my lower intestine. I just tucked it into my messenger bag and kept going. Up the mile of 30-45% incline leading back to my house. I see bikers, in their black neoprene biking shorts and aerodynamic helmets, trekking up that hill almost daily. God love 'em. I had it down to the lowest gear possible. My legs were going 1000 RPM. And I was barely moving. But I made it! And then took a four hour nap.

In any event, on Saturday, I started a new diet. Something radically different from anything I've EVER done before. Something REVOLUTIONARY. PS...I lost two pounds in 48 hours. That, darlings, is the good news. 

Oh...but I'm not telling you what it is until I know for sure it's going to work. Which, in my head means 6.4 more pounds. Stay tuned! 

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Reader Comments (5)

I need to know!!! What diet are you on that's working? I need to go off the see-food diet immediately!

March 9, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterCooper


March 11, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterGenevieve

Is it intermittent fasting? Also, what this means is you have discovered (before the break in your plateau) how to behave in maintenance without losing or gaining, thats valuable information. Write it down for later.

March 13, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterAlisha

Hi Elizabeth,

You always make me laugh. And smile. That sugar nemesis can drive you nuts. I know. But I know you can get right back on your horse (you are a Texan, after all. Smile.)

Here's some inspiration for you, something that has helped me in my journey out of sugar: "Nature does not require that we be perfect, it only requires that we grow, and we can do this as well from a mistake as from a success." - Rollo May

When I go back to sugar, I use it as a learning opportunity: Why was I craving sugar? What need was I trying to fill with sugar? How can I meet that need differently next time?

If anyone else is wanting help to get off sugar, I explain how I did it in my ebook, Overcoming Sugar Addiction:


I'm so proud of you, Elizabeth. XOXO, Karly

March 15, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterKarly Pitman

LOL! Y'all are too funny! I PROMISE to tell you soon...in another 5 pounds! Alisha, until you said it, I didn't think about it. But you are SO right...it's maintenance. Something I have never learned to do...until now. Thanks for pointing it out. And thanks to ALL of you for posting. I love love love to hear from you!

March 16, 2010 | Registered CommenterElizabeth Jones

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