
Hey y'all!

I had to squeeze a y'all in. The mamahla and papahla are visiting from Texas. So the accent is in full swing. Being a West-Texas-turned-Los-Angeles girl, there are days when people tell me I'm losing my accent. :( Other days, I say things like "It's Shayke and Bayke, and ah halped." 

In other news, I have been visited by a Christmas angel. Now, I know I have a w-i-d-e variety of readers. Some who don't celebrate Christmas and some who do. Some who don't believe in angels and some who have every tchotchke cherub ever made. But bear with me, please. I was visited by a Christmas angel. The Christmas Angel of Calories Past. Despite my genuine and best intentions to remain sugar and junk-food-free, the truth is, I don't know how to hang out with my family without eating. And if food=love (According to the Nestle Tollhouse advertising department), Christmas is an especially loving time for us. I abandoned all inhibition and partook of every naughty food that came my way over the Christmas holiday (while continuing to work out everyday). I was dreading...DREADING...this week's weigh in. I swear I heard the theme song to Jaws in the distance as I approached the scale. And Christmas Angel of Calories Past swooped down and erased all the calories I'd consumed over the week. The great news is...I didn't gain a pound. The bad news is...I didn't lose a pound. Thank you, Christmas Angel!  

Anyone else want to make a confession?

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