
I've officially hit a wall in Blogsville. I am beginning to ask myself the question I feel intuitively that every blogger asks themselves. Is my life really all that interesting? Do people really want to hear this stuff? I started this project for two reasons. First, I love to write. Love it. I remember entering UIL writing contests in elementary school and sitting in a classroom with 20 other kids, all with newly sharpened pencils, a stack of clean white paper, and a head swimming with ideas. I fantasize about becoming a professional writer and breaking open the seal on the envelopes of my watermarked paystubs every two weeks. I wonder what it must feel like to get paid to do something you love so much. And would you stop loving it if you had to do it to buy bananas and TP that week?  

And then I realized...writing is the only thing I love as much as eating, napping or watching hours of TV. OK...I love cleaning, too...on the floor with a toothbrush, usually. But the point is...I've always thought of myself as someone addicted to vice. Not Miami, but all things chocolate, Serta, or cable. But the last three months of blogging reminded me that there are other things I excel at and love doing. Hallelujah people! Hallelujah!

And here's the other thing. Frankly, I wanted a witness. There are some times when you DON'T want a witness. Like when you've just robbed a liquor store. Picked your nose in traffic. Or busted it on a pavement covered in black ice. Which I did once. In 8th grade. In front of two busloads full of my prepubescent peers. But sometimes we need a witness. So much it hurts, I'd say. In a film called Shall We Dance, Susan Sarandon's character explained why marriage was so important: "We need a witness to our lives. There's a billion people on the planet... I mean, what does any one life really mean? But in a marriage, you're promising to care about everything. The good things, the bad things, the terrible things, the mundane things...all of it, all of the time, every day. You're saying 'Your life will not go unnoticed because I will notice it. Your life will not go un-witnessed because I will be your witness."

Isn't that what we're all craving? Married or single? Young or younger? Richer or poorer? Happy or unhappy? Aren't we all just wishing for someone to say "Don't worry...your life will not go unnoticed. Because I will notice." 

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