Tuesday, March 30, 2010 at 04:31AM
Elizabeth Jones in Abuelo's, Gordito's, Lubbock TX, Orlando's, Tom and Bingo's

Mayday! Mayday! I'm goin' down! 

I'm in Texas for Spring Break. West Texas to be exact. Lubbock, Texas. Birthplace of "If you can wolf down that 72 ounce slab o' meat in an hour or less...it's free."

NEVER piggyback an impossibly perfect wedding/family reunion with a week long trip home. I'm just sayin.' Despite my mom's best efforts to keep all junk food out of the house, there is something about returning to the scene of my fat crimes that just triggers the you-know-what out of me. You know that saying? "You can't go home again?" What it should say is "No matter how far you think you've come, baby, you can't go home again without hitting Orlando's, Abuelo's, Tom and Bingo's, and Gordito's." PS...Apparently every restaurant in Lubbock, Texas, ends in "O." Or at least every one I'm interested in. 

I have 4 1/2 more days on this landlocked island I call paradise. And to prove I can exist in this town without committing a food felony every time I cross the state line, I AM going to spend every minute of the next 108 hours eating like I'm in a convent. I am going to be a food nun. Minus the vow of silence. 

Speaking of nun, I sat across the aisle on the plane from a Gregorian monk. Literally...Gregorian. And monk. I was SO tempted to tell him about all those nights in my 15-year-old bedroom listening to Enigma. Or ask if he'd contributed to the first album. But then I wondered what face my BFF, Kara, would make...and decided against it. As I don't possess a social filter, I have to gauge things by the faces Kara makes when I say them. It's a twist on "What would Jesus do"..."What face would Kara make?" Sometimes her Cosmo-reading-librarian face contorts into the same face one makes when eating a grapefruit. That usually means "I can't believe that just came out of your mouth. I'm going to act like I don't know you. Meet you at the car." This, I fear, would have been one of those moments. Except "meet you at baggage claim."

Speaking of baggage claim!...I flew into Lubbock International on Thursday night. My bags, on the other hand, flew in on Friday. There I was...in the baggage carousel at 5:48 a.m. California time. It was the Apocalypse in Lubbock that day, with 95-mile-per-hour winds. I kept expecting to see Demi Moore run by. But instead, it was just a couple of tumbleweeds and Dallas commuters, who were obviously elated they'd chosen that day to do business in West Texas.

In other news, I met the first cute single boy in a long time yesterday. OK...can someone please explain WHY you always run into potentials looking the worst you can possibly look? I actually had a scrunchie in my hair...sporting workout clothes and 20 pounds of excess water weight. And thinking "Do I have salmon in my teeth?!?..." having just consumed at the Outback half-an-hour before. O.M.G. I was visiting a friend at the college she works for. I say friend but I mean "friend." Who lured me there under false pretenses and told me Monday night was a good time to visit her because it was "so quiet." In reality, Monday night was the night she knew he would be there...the 36-year-old single and available cutie with three college degrees who takes his SHOES OFF on the carpet (Hello, lover) and has a sense of humor, "once you get to know him." 

Oy. Vey.

If Shoeless Joe ends up calling...I'm definitely whipping out my just-cleaned-Chiclet-white teeth, big hair, and best outfit. Minus the scrunchie and social filter.  

Article originally appeared on 60 POUNDS 6 HAIRCUTS (http://ejis60x6.squarespace.com/).
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