Sunday, January 10, 2010 at 02:23AM
Elizabeth Jones in John Street

I came to work on Thursday to see my phone message light illuminated. I was unprepared for the news on the other end. My beloved hairdresser and friend of four years, John Street, was killed in a motorcycle accident on December 12th. He was 36 years old.

I knew the motorcycle he was driving. It was a bike he'd been working on. Not because he loved motorcycles so much...but because he was a husband and father of four children and wanted his wife to drive the family car.

I had dinner with him a couple of months ago...soon after hair appointment #1. And then I got a text from him sometime in early December...his usual friendly hello. I returned the text but never heard back from him.

John Street was a great friend and a wonderful father. I will miss him so.

The church that John attended with his family has started a fund for his children. If you would like to see his family or make a contribution, here is the link:

Article originally appeared on 60 POUNDS 6 HAIRCUTS (
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