Wednesday, September 30, 2009 at 02:39PM
Elizabeth Jones in Big Hair, Dating, Food Addiction, Sugar Addiction

What do you do when you love your hairdresser but hate your hair?!? I went back to John the night before last to have one little spot touched up. I made the mistake of asking "Is it possible to make the highlights a little less gold and a little more ashy?" "Maybe use a toner to tone these babies down a little bit?" Bad idea! Apparently, I have no idea what "toner" means. Because I left there with brown hair and almost no trace of previously blond tresses. I look like I have Lego I just placed someone else's hair on my head. But here's the deal. I love love love my hairdresser. On top of that, I am loyal to a fault and can't even imagine a world without John in it every 6 weeks. Hair or hairdresser? I'm torn between two lovers. Feelin' like a fool. PS...guess who had her yearbook picture taken 12 hours after toning her hair Tootsie Roll brown? That's!

My BFF is up for tenure today. TENURE! I can't believe I'm tight with a tenured librarian. This is the same librarian who almost yakked on her trainer last week, who reads Cosmo, taught me that it is never - NEVER - acceptable to polish one's fingernails a different shade from one's toes, and to love Milk Duds and Kettle Corn mixed together in one heavenly bowl. I texted her to say "What's the worst that can happen? You'll be fired and forced to take the only job you can find in these economic a public librarian in Tahoka, Texas. I'll introduce you to some of my old peeps." After I rolled on the floor laughing for a couple of minutes, I got up and went to work.  

Kara and I had a great talk the other night. About what else? Food. It was therapeutic, actually. We both realized we are great at gaining weight, okay at losing weight, but terrible at maintaining weight. That should be so much easier than losing, right?!? In the world of maintenance, I envision having all the time in the world...and none of the stress. When I'm not jetsitting around the world for my writing career, serving on the board of directors at ASPCA, or solving world hunger, I'll be writing handwritten thank you notes, whipping up gourmet casseroles while wearing heels and pearls, and dancing around with my turducken husband in our immaculately clean mid-century mod living room while Dean Martin and Mel Torme croon on the wave radio. While sipping a virgin Godiva chocolate martini. But the truth is, I have absolutely NO idea how to sip just one virgin Godiva chocolate martini. Before finishing the first one, I would be looking around the room, wishing Dear Husband would get his hands off me so I could make my way to the faux martini bar. Or the Sub Zero for a pint of Haagen Daaz. 

I read a book once, written by a 21-year-old uber conservative Christian. The book was called I Kissed Dating Goodbye. The premise of the book, basically, is that you should love God more and getting to 3rd base less. Actually, you should forget about getting on the field all together. Ixnay on the issingkay. That's right. No kissing. None. Until your wedding day. I saw a couple on A Wedding Story once that decided to wait until their wedding day to kiss. It was a disaster. Maybe the most awkward moment in TV history. More awkward than when the Grape Stomping Lady fell to her You Tube infamy and the cameras cut to the news anchors back at the station. (Please if you don't know what I'm talking about, stop everything and You Tube "grape lady" right now). It was MORE awkward than this. You could literally feel the pressure mounting in the packed church as they were prounounced man and wife and then had to figure out which way to turn their heads, what to do with the noses, and decide tongue, church tongue or no tongue. I was hiding under the coffee table by then. Watching Liza Minelli kiss David Gest was more comfortable. 

But I gotta say...the question raised by IKDG was a good one. Where do we stop? Where do we draw the line of intimacy in a hazy dating world? And, more important to me, where do we draw the line with food intimacy? I've spent my life bouncing between two extremes. 100% monogamy and 100% celibacy. I know how to eat an entire box of Entenmann's or the whole tube of Pillsbury chocolate chip cookie dough. In one day. And I know how to kiss it goodbye. But how do you casually date chocolate?!?    

Article originally appeared on 60 POUNDS 6 HAIRCUTS (
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