Are you kidding me?!? How is it that people...women...who have decided to make a career out of making other women feel beautiful, end up accomplishing just the opposite?!?
It happened yesterday, when I was getting the falsies put on. The acrylic nails (just overlays, actually...they're 100% Elizabeth underneath). My trusty nail tech, a woman I've been going to for over a year, offered me a Diet Coke. "No thanks," I said. "I'm off the sauce." When I proceeded to explain, for the second time, my weight loss in 6 hair appointments or less, was she curious? Humored? Overjoyed for me? No, no, and heck no. You know what she said? As she held my hand in hers? In her most sweetly condescending voice? She said "That means you're going to have to stop eating your little pizzas."
Oh no you di'int!!! Two problems. A) Are you talking about the 3 1/2 inch individual veggie pizza I enjoy once every other week when I come to this neighborhood to get the falsies touched up? And B) How incredibly rude. Where is your mother? Or were you raised by wolves, Romulus?
So, I ask you, beloved readers...has something like this ever happened to you? If you've ever been on the receiving end of some unsolicited and obnoxious advice, I want to hear about it. Every gritty detail. The whole story. Advice about weight loss, relationships, money...any conversation you knew someone was going to enjoy...but it wasn't gonna be you. I'm all ears.